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pink glass snowflake hanging in sunny window with purple and green flowers


snowy deck through icy glass doorWhile it's been officially spring for two days now, there is still snow on the ground here in Michigan. But, cold weather is a good excuse to stay indoors and work on my business 😉.

It's been a busy winter thus far. I've had my best holiday sales season yet. Thank you to so many of you who made that possible, I can't tell you how grateful I am!

My biggest seller on Etsy was glass snowflakes, they continue to be my star sellers.

My biggest seller at my annual show is jewelry, which makes me happy because it's so fun to make.

Then there is the annual tax event 😏, but they are done!

Followed by the new website - still in progress but it has a good start. I still need to add products to my store. It takes time to take photos, edit, write descriptions, do SEO research, and all that - so be patient with me.

And while I'm taking a wee break from making ornaments, I'm still weaving (I'm always weaving)! There are baby blankets on the big loom and scarves on the Baby Wolf. My little loom is resting for the moment.

I'm also looking forward to some slightly more moderate weather so I can get back to the torch. Really cold weather makes it hard to melt glass as it shocks so easily in a bitter-cold studio.

All in all, I think 2024 is off to a good start and I'm looking forward to my coming adventures. Do you have some great plans for the coming months?
